At Synergy Health and Wellness Center we believe that lifestyle choices along with positive attitude, quality sleep, healthy activity levels, healthful eating patterns, stress and pain control contribute to the best possible health and wellness for each person… With that in mind, we have spent decades learning about and teaching patients various techniques to improve their quality of life. We understand and have extensive training and experience in the use of weight loss medications, medications for various mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, impulsivity and outburst behavior associated with autism. We provide counselling for the management of Medical weight loss, various pain syndromes that can lead to poor sleep, decreased activity and general decrease in quality of life. If you know that weight loss is more then calories in/calories out, and you have experienced hormonal changes that make loosing fat weight seem impossible, we will work with you on the use of Tirzepatid/Semaglutide to jump start your weight loss at an affordable price. We can also help you obtain your medical cannabis card and will educate you on proper dosing of THC, CBD, CBN, CBG and terpenes. We will educate you on the various cannabis ingestion options that best fit your lifestyle and needs. We will help you understand the role these healing chemicals can play in helping to decrease pain and the stress associated with it. Please schedule an appointment with us to discuss ways we might help you live you most healthful and pain free life.